How to lead when you feel anxious and uncertain; start by leading yourself Whether you realise it or not, your brain is asking and answering questions all day long. If you are feeling uncertain or anxious, you can bet that most of your questions are unhelpful. Why am I feeling anxious? What if the situation […]
Secrets of the CEO: Ville Lehtonen It’s the mission that counts, but does your company know what its aspirational values are? Peter Fuda and CEO of LabMinds Ltd, Ville Lehtonen discuss how defining a business culture contributes to achieving your foundational mission.
Secrets of the CEO: Simon Freakley The myth of the superhero CEO is dying as leaders recognise the need to prioritise their health and vitality in the interests of a sustainable career. Peter Fuda talks with Simon Freakley, CEO Alix Partners and investigates why time is the ultimate currency.
As the world navigates through travel restrictions and social distancing, flexibility is key to protecting your business interests and minimise impact in a downturn. Business doesn’t stop Perhaps unsurprisingly, global demand for private jets has seen a sharp rise as concerns around Coronavirus grow. While initially private flights were requested to evacuate from […]